Investors put money into entity such as businesses for financial returns. The main goal for many investors is to minimize risk and maximise return. Many businesses especially small businesses benefit from investors. Investors provide financial support to help your business grow and can provide her expertise.

Here is a list of 6 things investors look for in a pitch deck. This should help you gain confidence, and secure that investment!

1. A Professional Pitch Deck

A pitch deck is going to be an overview of your business. It needs to be made using a professional presentation software. Make sure your presentation is straight to the pont, has visual elements, includes key data. Don’t forget to speak cleary and confidently!

If you want to know more about what to include in your pitch deck here are a few blogs that can help:

2. Explain The Problems You Are Trying To Solve

The value and market credibility of your business is demonstrated when you can show how your business can solve the problems in your market. Always provide data or evidence to back up your claims!

Read More  Do I Really Need A Pitch Deck?

3. Point Out Your Unique Selling Point

Investors are always excited to hear the words ‘New and innovative’. There are lots of markets that are saturated with many identical products. Realistically it would be hard for any company to succeed with many already established businesses out there that are the same. However, you don’t necessarily need to come up with a brand new idea instead, try to show your potential investors what it is about your product or services that make it stand out.

4. Show Knowledge Of Product Or Service And Your Market

I cannot express enough how important it is to know what you are talking about! Investors will ask questions and answering them with confidence shows your expertise and that you have done your research. You MUST show business readiness, in order to do that you have to do your homework! You need to show that you have a clear plan in place, you know what you’re doing and you will not waste time and resources.

5. Explain Your Marketing Strategy Plan

Every business needs a marketing strategy. A marketing strategy is what will help you attract customers and increase your brand awareness. Creating a marketing strategy ensures you’re targeting the right people with relevant content. To impress your potential investors you should have a plan that highlights how you will approach marketing across different platforms and a timeline of when different phases of the strategy will be rolled out.

6. Show Dedication And Determination

Investors don’t just invest into ideas and products, they invest into people too. Investors want to understand the type of person they will be doing business with. You need to show that you are willing to put yourself on the line for your business and that you are fully equipped to face the challenges that will be thrown at you.

Read More  Start up pitch decks


If you ensure you include all the points above in your pitch deck presentation there shouldn’t be any reason why you won’t ace your presentation! If you feel like you need more help to prepare, here is a blog that can help you: 10 Questions to Answer Before Pitching Investors

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