How can I share/download my pitch deck?

Whenever you want to locate your previously made pitch deck, navigate to the user profile section and tap on the purchased decks. From there, you can download or share your pitch through social media.

Can I insert charts and images into my deck?

You can insert customized bar and pie charts alongside your descriptions using the PD app. Also, you can always add images to your slide wherever you have the option to upload.

What happens if I close the app during the deck design process?

If your application has been closed during the creation process, you can simply re-open the app and continue your design by opening your draft from the history section in the top right corner.

How can I find my previously purchased decks?

Whenever you want to locate your previously made pitch deck, simply navigate to the user profile section and tap on the purchased decks. This section allows you to not only edit your pitch deck but also share it with your friends and investor.

How much does it cost to build a pitch deck?

Even when hired online, the average starting price for a full pitch deck from scratch is no less than $1,500 for professional presentation design in the hands of an experienced provider in crafting pitch deck content and this can easily go up to £5,000 or even as much as £10,000.

How long should a pitch deck be?

While pitch decks vary in size, the average length is 12 to 14 slides ( and never longer than 20 ), with each slide presenting one clear idea. Although its order can change depending on how you wish to tell your story.

How do you structure a pitch deck?

The pitch deck is visual support to the words said in a pitch. Start by pulling together all relevant content, then the structure is to follow the arc of the story, and finally, design it to convey your message as clearly and simply as possible.

What is a pitch deck?


A pitch deck presentation ( also known as a startup pitch deck or slide deck ) is a visual document that provides investors with essential information about your business plan, product or services, fundraising needs, and key metrics like valuation, target market, and financial goals.